Sunday, June 3, 2012

100 days? Where has the time gone?

Hi Guys
Well its approx 100 days since I joined JustbeenPaid!
The restart took a lot longer than anticipated, so Yes I was disappointed!
Santa Claus had lost his sky map to my house. LOL!

However I have still been very busy, I Sold 2 house's last week so it looks like I could end up in the Bulgarian Estate Agency Business. LOL!
Shear fluke, someone in the village asked me to try and sell there house, which I listed and sold in a few days.Their friend then asked me to do the same, which I did and from then, there has been a constant stream of people at my door. Wanting to sell properties all over Bulgaria.
So if any one is interested in Owning in Bulgaria prices start from $3500 with a minimum of 1000m2 of Land. Let me know and I will see what I can do.

The Kiddie Winkies have finished school for the Summer Holidays. For those of you who worry about 6 weeks school holidays like in the UK. Bulgaria have 15 weeks this year.
Who in there right mind gives children 15 weeks off school all at one go.
I am considering digging my grave now, I don't know if it will be for me or the kids whoever jumps in first.
Anything for peace and quiet ( for me), or in the kids case, lets see how long it takes Mum to find us.LOL!

So things are looking good, in the 100 or so days at Justbeenpaid I have had 298 positions.
Oh wait a minute and I will show you.
As you can see, I have hit the $3000 mark.
I have potential earnings of $900 in my matrix's, just from expired positions. WoW what a Bonus!
At the moment I have 151 live earning positions.
I have withdrawn $685. The money is in my pocket.
It has never taken more than 12 hours to arrive in Alertpay.
I have had my small Investment back plus more.
If you are still unsure, try the $10 Free trial, you will start earning today the $10 is taken back after 45 days for someone else to try, but you still keep earning.
It won't make you Rich overnight unless you can Invest, but by adding $10 a week you will soon be earning $30-$40 a day.

Join Today! I will contact you to see if you need any Help.
My Link is
Don't forget to Confirm your email or you won't get your $10 to Start.

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